Michael Reel, Certified Building Inspector
WV: M06210
WV: RT000165
An inspection by a Professional Home Inspector is a visual inspection of the reasonably accessible areas of the home. The inspection and the resultant report are designed to meet the "Standards of Practice and the Code of Ethics" as defined by the National Association of Home Inspectors.
See http://www.nahi.org/consumer_info for the Standards. These Standards define the duties and responsibilities of the inspector and the conditions, limitations and exclusions of the inspection. The inspector will attempt to identify the present condition of the home and its systems the day of the inspection. No accurate projection can be made as to the longevity of any system due to possible future mechanical failure, however, some average life expectancies will be addressed.
The general home inspection is not a warranty nor is it a guarantee and should not be construed as a building code inspection. Every attempt will be made to discover all of the discrepancies in the home during the inspection process. Be aware that the inspector concentrates on the major issues regarding health, safety, mechanical systems and structural integrity. The inspection conclusion is a statement of condition and the risk of unexpected problems is not eliminated; the risk is only reduced.
Click HERE to view a Sample Inspection Report.
For more information please contact us.
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